10x Genomics Cloud Analysis


We’re working to update and improve Cloud Analysis. Below are features we’re actively researching, designing, and building.


These are features that we've begun implementing and expect to launch soon.

Analyze Feature Barcode data

Soon you’ll be able to upload Feature Barcode data and analyze it in Cloud Analysis using Cell Ranger’s counting pipeline that quantifies each feature in each cell.

Support for custom references

Currently, Cloud Analysis allows you to select pre-built references to use in your analyses. We’re building ways to allow you to use and store your own custom references on Cloud Analysis.


These are features that we're designing, but there's more work to be done before you'll see them live in 10x Genomics Cloud Analysis.

Analyze Spatial Gene Expression data

We’re designing ways for you to upload and analyze your Spatial Gene Expression data in Cloud Analysis using Space Ranger pipelines.

Support for additional pipelines and products

We’re architecting ways to leverage 10x Genomics Cloud Analysis to simplify analysis for more 10x Genomics products including Targeted Gene Expression, Single Cell ATAC, and Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression.


We want to build these features, but there's more we need to understand before we can design the right experience.

Enhanced collaboration tools

We’re researching ways of making collaboration easier, including sharing projects, teams, and more.